Friday, July 30, 2010

Re: Use visually selected text in commands

On 28/07/10 14:46, Daniel Corrêa wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if there is something like <cword>, but for visually selected text?
> Cheers,
> Daniel Corrêa
> (45) 9938.3993
> 

Well, for ex-commands, if you hit : while in Visual (not Select) mode,
Vim will beef it up as


while clearing Visual mode. That range means: from the first to the last
line of the latest Visual area. This is always linewise and can only be
used with commands that accept a range.

OTOH, for characterwise visual, you could yank first, then hit Ctrl-R
followed by " at the right point of your command-line entry.

:help v_:
:help [range]
:help c_CTRL-R

Best regards,
Ask Not for whom the Bell Tolls, and You will Pay only the
Station-to-Station rate.

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