> Hi,
> I maintain a filetype plugin to R and the user can change the default
> key bindings by putting in the vimrc commands like:
> map<F2> <Plug>RStart
> How can I know in the ftplugin/r.vim what key is bound to
> <Plug>RStart? The plugin adds a menu to gui versions of Vim and I
> would like to tell in the menu all the key bindings, even the
> customized ones.
> Thanks,
> Jakson Aquino
> Note: the plugin is here: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2628
It is possible to get a list of all mappings i.e. all user-defined key
bindings, see the thread "Writing :map and :map! to text file or
something" started 2010-07-26 09:42 -0700 by someone named "Gary".
For default bindings it's harder: you would have to compile a list from
the various lists at ":help index.txt", write that statically that into
your script (and update it whenever that helpfile changes), and, at
runtime, *remove* from the list the keybindings which also have a
user-defined mapping in the same mode.
Best regards,
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