> Works for me. The 'keymap' option is still present, but it's (always ben) a
> compile-time feature.
I know it is a compile-time feature, but I never compiled Vim myself so far,
and I thought it is included by default. I'd be worried if, say, the ready-to-
download-and-use Windows executable does not include it. (I happen to use
Vim on both Linux and Windows.)
> See at
> http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compunix.htm how I set my
> configure options — and BTW I never call configure directly: I let make do
> it, by running "make config" (for configure only) or "make reconfig" (for
> configure + compile) if something has changed in my configuration settings
> or in my software install.
Thank you for sharing this information. So far I only did what src/INSTALL
in Vim's source distribution suggests. So I didn't even read Makefile and
was not (and stll am not) aware of all its possible targets.
> -- Hm, you didn't specify which featureset, which means that you want
> "Normal" features. For keymaps you need "Big" features.
> ...ah yes, the last byte of U+0300 is 0x80 in UTF-8, the last byte of U+0301
> is 0x81, and IIRC Vim had problems with that in some circumstances; but
> didn't Bram fix it?
Not in 7.3b that I tried.
>> http://groups.google.com/group/vim_use/browse_thread/thread/d58fbb0715160835?fwc=1
>> and
>> http://groups.google.com/group/vim_use/browse_thread/thread/84bebe4fa57a7618?fwc=1
> Well, have you tried applying Ben's patch? And does it work?
I haven't. It might work alright, but in any case, it'd be better to
patch the official
distribution, that is why I wanted to remind of the problem.
Best regards,
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