Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Re: some bugs

On 28/07/10 17:16, bill lam wrote:
> I usually use xterm and vim does not any problem in displaying
> characters. FYI fonts of xterm can be configured in ~/.Xresources
> XTerm*VT100*faceNameDoublesize: AR PL UMing HK
> or your favourite xft font.

Usually I use gvim, or more rarely Vim in konsole, or even more rarely
Vim in the Linux console. The latter cannot be readily be configured,
but konsole has a "decent" menu system which allows, among other things,
to set the font; and of course gvim has the 'guifont' option.

Best regards,
A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she
shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.
[real standing law in Florida, United States of America]

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