Sunday, December 26, 2010

ctags support for vhdl in vim - Regular Expression


I am trying to make ctags (v 5.6) work with vhdl files in vim (with taglist plugin) . Basically I modify the ~/.ctags file like below.

--regex-vhdl=/^[ \t]*([^ \t:]+)[ \t]*:[ \t]*process[ \t]*\(/\1/p,processes/i

However I can't detect "port map" expressions. My coding style is like below.

i_buf_wrapper: ds_ver_4to3_buf_wrapper
port map(

clk => clk, -- : in std_logic;
rst => rst, -- : in std_logic;
o_de => de

Can you please guide me for a regular expression so that I can have the port map detected on my .ctags file.

thank you very much for your help

ps: ctags version 5.8 supports VHDL natively but frankly either I couldn't make it work or it's not good enough.

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