Friday, December 31, 2010

How to use a filetype filter(s) with browse

Using vim 7.2 on ubuntu 10.04. Huge version compiled for gtk.

I have automated a series of menu items that activates `browse' for
different directories.
The process is governed by a menu selection that allows me to set a
series of variables called g:ModelFolder, g:ControllerFolder etc...
Upon another menu selection, the variables are selectively
concatenated to a string that resolves to something like

browse confirm e /home/tim/prj/cgi/baker/akmls

Now, it would be great to add a filetype filter so that
I would have something like

browse confirm e /home/tim/prj/cgi/baker/akmls *.py

Better yet, to have multiple filetypes.. but setting
let g:browsefilter="*.py" doesn't have the expected effect,
I.E. after executing, I still see all directory files in the dialogue.

How can I make this happen?
tim at or

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