> On 29/05/11 05:11, Antonio Recio wrote:
>> "dab" it is useful to remove parentheses and content when
>> cursor is over, I think. But I want to delete all the
>> parentheses and the inside the parentheses with an unique
>> commmand.
> IIUC, when used with a count (i.e., d2ab d3ab etc.) it will
> delete that many nested blocks containing the cursor.
In addition, there are other variants which I prefer to use to
explicitly tell vim that I want parens, instead of some generic
block, so I tend to almost exclusively use
i( or a(
i{ or a{
i[ or a[
instead of the "ib"/"ab" text objects. The combination of which
I use almost as much as just the
i" or a"
i' or a'
quotation text objects :)
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