Friday, May 27, 2011

Re: formatprg and gq or gw

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 6:58 PM, Jean-Rene David <> wrote:
> * Kevin Walsh [2011.05.26 17:40]:
> [...]
>> 2. Is there any way to send the external command the vim textwidth
>> variable?
> You need to arrange for this:
> exe 'set fp=par\ -w' . &tw
> to be executed whenever 'textwidth' changes. Perhaps in a filetype
> plugin, a mapping or an autocommand.

That is helpful, thanks. But is it possible to arrange for it to
execute whenever 'textwidth' changes? I edit lots of files with mode
lines at the top, and 'textwidth' is one of the common things found in
all those files. It isn't possible for me to put 'fp=...' in all of
those mode lines, unfortunately.


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