Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Re: Restore file from undo

Hi Vsevolod!

On Di, 31 Mai 2011, Vsevolod Velichko wrote:

> less than 1000 undolevels in each file, but files more than one :)

even if less then 1000 undolevels, it might still be valuable...

> The idea of grepping fs was the first one, but all the day (before I
> found that the code has been deleted) I had filled my hdd with the
> enormous dumps, so that there is no chance, that code is still placed
> somewhere in the free space.
> And, yes, the code was placed in the VCS working dir, just not
> commited&pushed yet.
> Christian,
> thanks for your patch.
> Unfortunately, it wasn't fully helpful, but I've recovered a lot of data.

I thought so. But even if it helped only a little bit, it's better than


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