less than 1000 undolevels in each file, but files more than one :)
The idea of grepping fs was the first one, but all the day (before I
found that the code has been deleted) I had filled my hdd with the
enormous dumps, so that there is no chance, that code is still placed
somewhere in the free space.
And, yes, the code was placed in the VCS working dir, just not
commited&pushed yet.
thanks for your patch.
Unfortunately, it wasn't fully helpful, but I've recovered a lot of data.
Thanks for your help!
Best wishes and have a nice day,
Vsevolod Velichko
2011/5/31 ZyX <zyx.vim@gmail.com>:
> If files are so small that undolevels=1000 is sufficient, maybe you should
> retype them instead?
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