Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Re: Different working directories in different tabs


Am 01.06.2011 08:23, schrieb Martin Lundberg:
> On Tuesday, May 31, 2011 2:55:40 PM UTC+2, Christian Brabandt wrote:
>> :h :lcd
>> regards,
>> Christian
> Hi Christian. To my understanding that is not what I'm talking about. The
> :lcd command changes it for the current window. I'm talking about creating a
> new tab and changing the working directory using :cd. It changes the cwd for
> that tab only (you can even see the filenames of the other tabs changing on
> the tabs). If you then change back to another tab it's cwd has not changed.

If you create the new tab and lcd to another directory the current
directory is set for the initial window on that tab. New windows opened
on this tab (e.g. via split or enew) then inherit the current directory
from the initial window.

Dennis Benzinger

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