Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Re: highlight all words matching the word under the cursor

On 29.05.2011 11:31, Reuven Sayag wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a way to highlight words that match the word under the
> cursor.
> I tried to put in my vimrc the following:
> :autocmd CursorMoved *.cc,*.h,*.java exe printf('match IncSearch /\<%s
> \>/', expand('<cword>'))
> This works but it's a bit slow, and I don't really need it all the
> time, Can someone add some info about how to toggle this behavior on a
> function key (or a<Leader> h)?
> Thanks,
> Reuven.
Hi Reuven,

I have written a script that tries to mimic eclipse in this regard. I
have to say that it's not exactly as you want it because it highlights
in every filetype. But, I don't feel a slow down at all.


cu, Adam.

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