> On Sun, 29 May 2011 05:42:12 +0200
> Tony Mechelynck<antoine.mechelynck@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not sure: I've never used 'langmap' myself; but I think that
>> langmap=đ] maps đ to ] and nothing else, i.e., not Ð (which on
>> keyboards for former Yugoslav countries would probably be Shift-đ)
>> and not Ctrl-đ.
> Well, on my Croatian keyboard which has the same layout as former YU-countries,
> ']' is on the place of 'đ', while Đ' is at the place of of '}'. So, I want that
> CTRL-đ acts as CTRL-] (Đ is upper case of đ).
> My understanding is that having: langmap=zy, should enable one to use CTRL-z
> and have effect of CTRl-y, or do I miss something?
My understanding was that it would map z to y but have no effect on
anything else, and in particular Shift-z, Ctrl-z, Alt-z, etc., wouldn't
be affected. But maybe I'm wrong, so let's see if someone chimes in who
knows the 'langmap' option better than I do.
> Sincerely,
> Gour
Best regards,
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