Thursday, May 26, 2011

Re: Trouble with VIM and some "hidden" vimrc file

On May 26, 5:03 pm, Tim Chase <> wrote:
> In theory, removing the $HOME\_vimrc *should* provide you with a
> fairly stock Vim with no enhancements.  Vim should run just fine,
> as you see.

If I understood the post properly, I think the OP removed C:\Program
Files\Vim\_vimrc (or wherever he installed Vim), and seemed unaware of
the possibility of a per-user _vimrc file.

I think it may be quite possible that the "hidden" _vimrc file is in
fact the per-user _vimrc file in $HOME\_vimrc. Try going into Vim and
editing $MYVIMRC to see where Vim finds the vimrc it is using.

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