Sunday, May 29, 2011

Re: Searching for accented characters.

Thanks Tim. Do you (or someone else) know someway of making the
equivalence class [[=e=]] the default interpretation of an 'e' in the
search string? In other words, although it is great that [[=e=]]
matches all the versions of 'e', it involves typing seven characters
instead of just one.

On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 8:25 PM, Tim Chase <> wrote:
> On 05/29/2011 06:43 PM, Beren Sanders wrote:
>> Is there an easy standard way to make accented characters match searches
>> for
>> their normal counterparts?
>> For example, I obtain "é" by typing "<CTRL>-k ' e" and I would like to set
>> it up so that searching for "Ajoute" will match both "Ajoute" and
>> "Ajouté".
> It sounds like you might want Vim's equivalence classes:
>  /Ajout[[=e=]]
> which you can read about at
>  :help /[[=
> Note the caveat about Latin1 vs. other encodings.
> -tim

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