Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Re: maps in "if" statement can not work.


stardiviner wrote:
> I found a tips on wikia, it can autocapitalize first character in sentence.
> Bellowing is the code in my vimrc.
> But I found that those mappings in "if" statement can not work.
> Is there anyone know why ?
> (The original code does not have the "if" statement. I add it by myself.)
> "Inputing '/' cancels capitalizing without delay
> function! CapNextKey(prev)
> redraw
> let input = nr2char(getchar())
> let input = (input == '/' ? "\e" : input)
> if input=~'[.?!\r[:blank:]]' "punctuations, return, spaces
> exe 'normal! i' . input . "\<Right>"
> return CapNextKey(input)
> elseif input=="\e"
> return "\<del>"
> elseif a:prev=~'[\r[:blank:]]'
> return toupper(input) . "\<del>"
> else
> return input . "\<del>"
> endif
> endfunction
> function! InsertEnterCheck()
> let trunc = getline(".")[0:col(".")-2]
> if col(".")==1
> return CapNextKey("\r")
> elseif trunc=~'[?!.]\s*$\|^\s*$' "ie, 'text.[t]ext'
> return CapNextKey(trunc[-1:-1])
> else
> return "\<Del>"
> endif
> endfunction
> " FIXME those maps can not run in "if" statement.
> if &filetype == "markdown" || &filetype == "mail"
> inoremap <silent> . ._<Left><C-R>=CapNextKey(".")<CR>
> inoremap <silent> ? ?_<Left><C-R>=CapNextKey("?")<CR>
> inoremap <silent> ! !_<Left><C-R>=CapNextKey("!")<CR>
> inoremap <silent> <CR> <CR>_<Left><C-R>=CapNextKey("\r")<CR>
> nnoremap <silent> o o_<Left><C-R>=CapNextKey("\r")<CR>
> nnoremap <silent> O O_<Left><C-R>=CapNextKey("\r")<CR>
> nnoremap <silent> a a_<Left><C-R>=InsertEnterCheck()<CR>
> nnoremap <silent> A A_<Left><C-R>=InsertEnterCheck()<CR>
> nnoremap <silent> i i_<Left><C-R>=InsertEnterCheck()<CR>
> nnoremap <silent> I I_<Left><C-R>=InsertEnterCheck()<CR>
> endif

putting this in your .vimrc is too early. .vimrc is sourced before file
type detection takes place. At the &filetype is checked in your code it
is thus still empty.

You might consider to put your code in a separate file and source it
from your markdown and mail filetype plugins. Or leave the function
definitions in .vimrc, but put only the part the if and endif in your
filetype plugins.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

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