Sunday, April 1, 2012

Re: Async to process some task in vim

On 2012-03-31, 曾波 wrote:
> dear all,
>       when i process creating tags, cscope, grep find in a large project, vim
> will suspend since this task finish.
> it's very annoying!  do you have some good idea?

You can easily generate tags and cscope data in the background with
commands like these:

:!ctags -R &
:!cscope -R -b &

The problem is knowing when they're done. For that, you could do
something like this:

:!{ ctags -R; xmessage 'ctags done'; } &

Using grep is a little trickier because you usually want to read the
results into a quickfix list. For that, you could do something like

!{ grep -Rn pattern . > ~/mygrep.out; xmessage 'grep done'; } &

followed by this when that is done:

:let &efm=&gfm
:cf ~/mygrep.out


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