Sunday, April 1, 2012

Re: :help WITHOUT split screen

Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Mar 2012 15:32:59 -0400
> Charles Campbell<> wrote:
>> Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz wrote:
>>> On Fri, 30 Mar 2012 13:17:44 -0400
>>> Charles Campbell<> wrote:
>>>> Manpageview (see
>>>>, which
>>>> handles several kinds of help (vim, manpages, perl, php, and
>>>> python), has a TMan command, which provides help in a separate tab.
>>> Just installed (v24c).
>>> There doesn't seem to be a TMan though.
>> I've now loaded v24d on my website; its the one with TMan.
> I installed v24d but the plugin/manpageviewPlugin.vim is from 16/9/2008
> and doesn't define TMan. (unless I've done something dumb?)

I just downloaded v24d myself from my website -- and TMan is there (its
actually defined as a command in manpageviewPlugin.vim). It worked for
me when I tested it, too.

Please check again... (and be sure that you're actually getting v24d,
it'll say so in manpageview.vim -- perhaps the browser cache is causing

Chip Campbell

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