Sunday, December 1, 2013

Re: improving Vim - Kickstarter - brainstorming - goals - who wants to join?

On Monday, November 25, 2013 11:26:42 AM UTC-2, MarcWeber wrote:
> I've been complaining about Vim related issues for a long time,
> I think its time to stop complaining and just fix it.

I agree. Then let us fix it.

> Join by providing feedback:

I want to join, but I receive the following message when I try:


You don't have permission to access /x/php.fcgi/index.php on this server.

> or adding additional issues to be fixed here:

I receive the above message when I try to access this link too.

Please, let me know what can I do for joining. Let me be clear in what ways I can help. I am a reasonable programmer. I worked as a programmer at Cornell University (this was a long time ago ... :-). Recently, I worked at Utah State University as a programmer (well, my title was Visiting Professor, but what I did was programming). Finally, I helped lawyers in creating databases, textual search, syntactic analyzers for legal texts, communication programs to access higher courts, etc. As for languages, my experience are: Pascal, Visual Prolog, Haskell, C, Clean, Lisp, Ocaml, Scheme.

A suggestion: Write a small starting point in the language of your choice, and post it in your page. This starting point should include cursor movements, erase operations, saving operations, clipboard operations, parentheses matching, and a primitive syntax highlighting scheme. You could invite people to post this kind of editor kernel in your page too. Use ncurses for the kernel. I am talking about a couple of hours of work.

Based on this kernel, people involved could have a better base for choosing the language. I even don't discard implementations in many languages. For instance, if a group wants to write an Ocaml version, let them do it.

Please, fix the links so I can visit your pages.

> The idea is to create a kickstarter project to funding all work.
> IMHO Vim is worth keeping alive, and that means we must find a way
> to move Vim into the future.
> If this requires writing a new language, because C lacks abstracktions,
> and C++ is complex, then that's the task to be done IMHO.
> This project makes me think we might have success:
> Thus if you're either a developper or a user who wants to help join and
> tell me what you want to work on - even if its "testing new features you
> care about" only.
> Goals are:
> - focus on productivity
> - code reusage
> I consider refactoring viml a key thing, eg creating a viml library
> which contains the interpreter only.
> If you'll help me with this I'll be working on Vim related topics the
> following month, otherwise I'll get any alternative job.
> I feel I've hit a border meaning some core items must be fixed in order
> to improve even further, and most people cannot afford dropping out of
> job and work 8 weeks on Vim.
> The work will be
> - defining goals
> - fixing them
> This work might end
> - in rewriting huge parts
> - introducing threading (python, ruby ctrl-c does not work)
> - have your whatever beloved interpreter as standard interpreter
> - add js support (v8)
> - compare with Yzis
> - think about whether gobjectIntrospection interface can be used to
> share work on interfacing with interpreters in the future.
> - maybe introducing a new higher level language which is friendly to C
> and less complex than C++ - yes, sry - I consider C to be a problem
> because its hard to share code, eg reuse the syntax highlighting from
> within JS and so on.
> - ..
> Of course if you think "vim is great the way it is" (I agree)
> and if you think "nothing should be changed" I tend to disagree.
> If you don't receive much feedback I'll try the kickstarter project
> adding features I think are most useful to start with.
> Marc Weber

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