Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Disable ALL bold font in gvim on windows ?

Hi, All

Is there a simply way to get all bold font disappeared (gvim under windows ) ?
Having searched a lot for solutions, I found NONE of them can actually work.

solution 1:  make a copy of colorscheme file & modify it remove 'gui=bold' attribute.
problem: keyword 'bold' just cannot be found in my colorscheme: seoul256.vim

solution 2: set guifont manually without 'b' attribute
problem: guifont has been set to "fixedsys" without the 'b' and still no use.

solution 3: modify syntax files
problem: too many syntax files need to be edit, and I am trying to avoid modifying runtime files directly.

See ? bold font is really ugly with fixedsys.

my setting is:
set guifont=fixedsys
color seoul256

gvim version: 7.4.2028

I have searched almost a whole day for solutions, 
don't want to waste everyone's time if I can solve it myself
And at last, I just can't get any idea now, but ask for help in this mailling list

any other solutions ?


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