:inoremap ( ()<ESC>i
:inoremap ) <c-r>=ClosePair(')')<CR>
:inoremap { {}<ESC>i
:inoremap } <c-r>=ClosePair('}')<CR>
:inoremap [ []<ESC>i
:inoremap ] <c-r>=ClosePair(']')<CR>
:inoremap < <><ESC>i
:inoremap > <c-r>=ClosePair('>')<CR>
function ClosePair(char)
if getline('.')[col('.') - 1] == a:char
return "\<Right>"
return a:char
I have added the lines above to my vimrc, but vim does't automatically complete bracket,
What's wrong with my vim?
The vimrc is as follows:
" All system-wide defaults are set in $VIMRUNTIME/debian.vim (usually just
" /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/debian.vim) and sourced by the call to :runtime
" you can find below. If you wish to change any of those settings, you should
" do it in this file (/etc/vim/vimrc), since debian.vim will be overwritten
" everytime an upgrade of the vim packages is performed. It is recommended to
" make changes after sourcing debian.vim since it alters the value of the
" 'compatible' option.
" This line should not be removed as it ensures that various options are
" properly set to work with the Vim-related packages available in Debian.
runtime! debian.vim
" Uncomment the next line to make Vim more Vi-compatible
" NOTE: debian.vim sets 'nocompatible'. Setting 'compatible' changes numerous
" options, so any other options should be set AFTER setting 'compatible'.
"set compatible
" Vim5 and later versions support syntax highlighting. Uncommenting the next
" line enables syntax highlighting by default.
syntax on
" If using a dark background within the editing area and syntax highlighting
" turn on this option as well
"set background=dark
" Uncomment the following to have Vim jump to the last position when
" reopening a file
"if has("autocmd")
" au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$")
" \| exe "normal g'\"" | endif
" Uncomment the following to have Vim load indentation rules according to the
" detected filetype. Per default Debian Vim only load filetype specific
" plugins.
"if has("autocmd")
" filetype indent on
" The following are commented out as they cause vim to behave a lot
" differently from regular Vi. They are highly recommended though.
"set showcmd " Show (partial) command in status line.
"set showmatch " Show matching brackets.
"set ignorecase " Do case insensitive matching
"set smartcase " Do smart case matching
"set incsearch " Incremental search
"set autowrite " Automatically save before commands like :next and :make
"set hidden " Hide buffers when they are abandoned
"set mouse=a " Enable mouse usage (all modes) in terminals
" Source a global configuration file if available
" XXX Deprecated, please move your changes here in /etc/vim/vimrc
filetype plugin on
if filereadable("/etc/vim/vimrc.local")
source /etc/vim/vimrc.local
syntax on
set expandtab
set tabstop=4
set autoindent shiftwidth=2
set autochdir
set cindent
set shiftwidth=4
let mapleader=","
map <silent><leader>w : w<cr>
map <silent><leader>qa : qa<cr>
map <silent><leader>qq : q!<cr>
map <silent><leader>wq : wq<cr>
map <silent><leader>q : q<cr>
map <silent><leader>tl :TlistToggle<cr>
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '/usr/bin/ctags'
let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1
set nohlsearch
let &termencoding=&encoding
set fileencodings=cp936,ucs-bom,utf-8,gbk
set fileencoding=cp936
"set encoding=cp936
set encoding=utf-8
"colorscheme desert
"colorscheme molokai
" cscope
if has("cscope")
set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope
set csto=1
set cst
set nocsverb
" add any database in current directory
if filereadable("cscope.out")
cs add cscope.out
set csverb
nmap <C-\>s :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-\>g :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-\>c :cs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-\>t :cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-\>e :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-\>f :cs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-\>i :cs find i ^<C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR>$<CR>
nmap <C-\>d :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
" bufexploer
map <silent><leader>be :BufExplorer<cr>
map <silent><leader>bs :BufExplorerHorizontalSplit<cr>
map <silent><leader>bv :BufExplorerVerticalSplit<cr>
" quickfix
nmap <F6> :cn<cr>
nmap <F7> :cp<cr>
nmap <F5> :make<cr>
nmap <F8> :cw<cr>
" press control + s to save
"imap <C-c> <ESC> :w<cr>
"nmap <C-c> <ESC> :w<cr>
" quick jump between splits
map <C-j> <C-w>j<C-w>_
map <C-k> <C-w>k<C-w>_
map <C-l> <C-w>l<C-w>_
map <C-h> <C-w>h<C-w>_
" A.vim
map <silent><leader>a :A<cr>
" NERD_tree
map <silent><leader>t :NERDTreeToggle<cr>
" another explorer
map <silent><leader>e :Ex<cr>
" only one window
map <silent><leader>m :only<cr>
" omnicppcomplete
set completeopt=menu
let OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem = 0
map <F12> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR>
set tags+=/home/listar/cppstltags
" pydiction
filetype plugin on
let g:pydiction_location = '/home/listar/.vim/tools/pydiction/complete-dict'
"php set
"au FileType php source /usr/share/vim/vim72/colors/murphy.vim
let g:phpColor = "murphy"
let g:defaultColor = "desert"
"au! FileType * exe ":colorscheme " . g:defaultColor
"au! FileType php exe ":colorscheme " . g:phpColor
" neocomplcache
" Disable AutoComplPop.
let g:acp_enableAtStartup = 0
" Use neocomplcache.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup = 1
" Use smartcase.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case = 1
" Use camel case completion.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_camel_case_completion = 1
" Use underbar completion.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_underbar_completion = 1
" Set minimum syntax keyword length.
let g:neocomplcache_min_syntax_length = 3
let g:neocomplcache_lock_buffer_name_pattern = '\*ku\*'
colorscheme desertEx
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