Thursday, December 23, 2010

Re: edit doesn't work properly when remapping

Reply to message «Re: edit doesn't work properly when remapping»,
sent 07:25:10 23 December 2010, Thursday
by Andrej08:

> + my own scripts might stop working if I remap the movement keys.
This is exactly why I do never use `*map' (without `nore') and `normal' (without
a bang) in my scripts and suggest everybody (here and on stackoverflow) to do
the same.

// BTW, I hate plugins that does not let user change its mappings or
// unconditionally change existing mappings. My plugins have an option that
// changes command prefix (so if there are conflicts with existing commands you
// may override it), an option that changes function prefix and an option that
// changes mappings and the only one thing that you must not change is a prefix
// for vimpluginloader (which is some sort of framework) functions. Other
// plugins use `<unique>' to prevent user mappings from being redefined,
// `hasmapto()' in order not to define mappings for given feature if it was
// already mapped, prefixes or user variables, so user may work remapping issues
// around without using `after' directory. It is surprising that one of the core
// plugins does not do this.

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