Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Re: Temporarily Disabling All imaps and inoremaps

Reply to message «Temporarily Disabling All imaps and inoremaps»,
sent 23:56:30 04 May 2011, Wednesday
by Mathew Brown:

I do not know, how your default imaps and inoremaps can prevent you from editing
a file using a different character set, but to disable them completely you can
use 'paste' option: do `:set paste' when you want them disabled and `set
nopaste' when you don't. Note that it will disable automatic indentation, tabs
expansion, automatic wrap as well. The only exception is 'pastetoggle' key: you
will still be able to unset paste using it without leaving insert mode if you
set this option somewhere.

Original message:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if there is any way to temporarily disable all imaps
> and inoremaps. I sometimes need to edit a file using a different
> character set and my default imaps and inoremaps can get in the way.
> So is some way to disable them until I finish this and then enable
> them again? Thanks.

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