Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Re: Vim stuck in noremap mode?

Hi, Tim!

> Your list of plugins,

I don't really use any sophisticated plugins, just little things that
define the odd function and mapping and things like that, mostly that
I've hacked together myself. And which I wouldn't have actually been
using in the misbehaving Vim. The sophisticated plugins I have installed
were not active (e.g. debugger, vim-latex, netrw). Others include such
things as LargeFile, matchit, hilinks; all pretty straightforward. And I
probably wasn't using any of them.

They also haven't changed recently.

The syntax, etc. that was actually in use in the files that were being
edited when Vim went funny are custom ones that have been unchanged for
a number of years and never caused problems in the past.

It's more likely to be one of the patches I've applied than a plugin, I
think. But I don't think any of them are really relevant either. Most
are minor bugfixes I put together that don't have anything to do with
anything being encountered here. The most sizable is the variable
tabstops patch.

But again, none of this has changed recently. The one that has changed
most recently is one for 'forceendofline' which allows you to turn off
Vim's automatic 'fixing' of files' missing eol in their last line.
Nothing to do with the behaviour I am experiencing.

> vimrc,

Attached. The only recent change is adding Andy's stuff, I think.

> and perhaps germane modelines might be
> worth including.

No modelines in use for the files being edited in the misbehaving Vims.

> It might also be helpful to know where 'cp' is getting set, as
> detailed by a
> :verbose set cp?
> I don't know of any interaction between 'cp' and mappings changing.

'cp' is not actually set. The behaviour I'm experiencing is just in some
ways similar to 'cp' being set. 'cpo' is also sensible, set to what it
always is for me. At any rate, the first thing I did when things when
strange was jiggle 'cp' using the commandline, so it has most recently
been reset manually. :-)

>> - Any ideas how to get Vim to behave normally again without having to
>> exit?
> With some of the input above, it might be possible to track down
> what's happening, and perhaps give you the ability to restore normal
> behavior without having to exit.

Here's my :set output:

--- Options ---
background=dark nojoinspaces sidescrolloff=12 wildmenu
backspace=indent keywordprg=open splitright winminheight=0
breakat= ^I-/, laststatus=2 nostartofline winminwidth=4
copyindent maxcombine=6 noswapfile winwidth=4
delcombine scroll=5 termbidi nowrap
noequalalways scrolloff=2 ttyfast
helplang=en sidescroll=6 ttymouse=xterm
fillchars=stl: ,stlnc: ,vert: ,fold: ,diff:X
printexpr=(v:cmdarg=='' ? system('open -a Preview '.v:fname_in) + v:shell_error
: system('mv '.v:fname_in.' '.v:cmdarg) + v:shell_error)


Having 'swapfile' reset is unusual for me; I just did it so that I could
open the same files in another Vim without quitting the misbehaving one.


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