Friday, October 28, 2011

Re: how to make 'h,j,k,l' faster ?

On 10/27/11 22:20, gaoqiang wrote:
> I feel those keys slow. and word-move-keys are a little diffcult to
> make a accurate move.

While it's a bit of a non-answer, I'd recommend using Vim's many
other movement keys to move faster and more accurately. I almost
NEVER use h/l to move left/right but rather use f/F/t/T/,/; (and
occasionally in prose, the parens to move by sentence) to move
horizontally. For vertical movements, it's usually faster to
guess roughly and then fine-tune with j/k to move up/down. This
can be done with }/{ to jump to blank lines, using "/" to search
forward, using ]]/[[/]}/]{/[{/[}/[(/]) to jump to code-block
starts/ends, or using H/M/L to jump to the first/middle/last line
on the screen.

Also, don't forget that you can prefix a count on each of these
commands to do it N times (or in the case of H/L, go to the


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