Thursday, October 27, 2011

Re: Shortcut to indent xml

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 5:28 PM, Benjamin R. Haskell <> wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Oct 2011, Peng Yu wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Gary Johnson <> wrote:
>>> On 2011-10-27, Ivan Sichmann Freitas wrote:
>>>>> "full file indent
>>>>> fun BenIndent()
>>>>>   let oldLine=line('.')
>>>>>   normal gg=G
>>>>>   execute ':' . oldLine
>>>>> endfun
>>>>> "map -- :call BenIndent()<Bar>normal zz<CR>
>>>>> map -- :call BenIndent()<CR>
>>>> You could also just use:
>>>> map -- gg=G
>>> Except that Peng wants the cursor to return to the original line.
>>> For that I think this will work though:
>>> [...]
>>>    map -- gg=G''
>>>> (or even =%)
>>> That will indent from the current location to the matching
>>> 'matchpairs' character (e.g., parenthesis) or to the matching
>>> b:matchword if matchit.vim is enabled.
>> But my question is how to indent XML using --? I appreciate Ivan and Gary
>> for answering my question. But the answers are not what I asked.
> You hid the real point of your question behind a URL:
>> [...]  I see xml can be
>> indented in the following URL. However, I want to be able to indent
>> xml as well when I press '--'. Does anybody if there is a way to do
>> so?
> Vim can *indent* XML on its own, without xmllint.  Which is why your
> question isn't:
> Q: "How can I indent XML using --?"
> A: It already does.

For me, it didn't. But I just find out that I have the following file.
I have deleted it. Now the vim default indentation works.

~/.vim$ cat indent/xml.vim
let b:did_indent = 1


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