Monday, October 31, 2011

Re: Mapping shortcuts

On Mon, 31 Oct 2011, Chris Jones wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 01:06:45PM EDT, George Papanikolaou wrote:
>> I know this is simple. but I can't figure it out by Googling... so.
> Nothing wrong with googling, but there's no guarantee whoever posted
> his favorite trick fully understands the problem and that whatever
> worked in his case will not have side-effects that may be quite
> unsuitable in your case.

A valid point, but as with Wikipedia, if you don't want 100% accuracy
(rather an introductory overview), googling is usually quicker.

> Maybe now's the time for you to start working with the complete (and
> 100% accurate) vim help and lose the Google-search habit...?

The problem is sometimes that it's too complete, and isn't organized by
the person who's looking for the information (naturally). Google often
cuts through that problem (e.g. by allowing synonyms that the help
writer didn't consider, or terms that aren't fully correct).

In this particular case, all of the following queries lead directly to
relevant information, so the OP just needed to try harder (, no offense):

vim mapping shortcuts -- the subject of this email, plus 'vim'
vim key maps
vim key mapping
vim keyboard shortcut


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