Monday, August 27, 2012

Re: Autocmds

On Thursday, 23 August, 2012 at 16:01:30 BST, Ben Fritz wrote:
>Switch to checking filetype instead of file extension, something like:
>au BufWritePost * if &ft=='perl' | make | endif

When I try this:

autocmd BufRead * if &ft == 'perl' | setlocal makeprg=perl\ -cw\ % | endif

makeprg doesn't get set, I guess because vim sets the filetype to "perl" only after BufRead has happened (the :help doesn't say). The :help does hint at using BufWinEnter instead, which works for this case, but it seems suboptimal having these autocmd commands executed every time I display the buffer, when really I only need them executed the once, after buffer read/load.



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