Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Re: vim window clears the terminal history

> Any thoughts, please?

FWIW, my vim, 7.3.618, in konsole, (or xterm (271) or gnome-terminal) TERM=xterm, with no attention to this on my part, behaves the way you want.

Comparing my infocmp -C output to yours, mine has


where yours has


\E?1049h and \E?1049l switch in and out of alternate screen mode, which is what you want, I think. However, your "is" is switching out, and is clearing the screen, so I suspect it is the cause of your trouble.

echo -e '\e[r\e[m\e[2J\e[?1;3;4;5;6;9;66;1000;1001;1049l\e[4l'
in bash clears my screen.

Maybe your vi is using termcap, and vim is using terminfo, giving a difference in behaviour... just a thought.

I suggest setting TERM=xterm, maybe that will work for you, or at least be informative.

Also, a xterm control sequence page mentions a titeInhibit X resource which if you had would be confusing things.

Regards, John Little

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