Thursday, August 30, 2012

Re: vim window clears the terminal history

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 01:34:10PM EDT, joe M wrote:


> Anyway, just a heads-up if anyone is interested.

I certainly do. Thanks for bringing this to the list's attention.

Reading through the thread, I'm pretty sure you stated somewhere along
the line that the behavior you reported occurs when you run 'vim' and
does not occur when you run 'vi'.

On my (debian) system, vi and vim both point to the same executable.

And here at least, whatever the terminal, both behave the same way in
this respect, namely that the screen before I invoke vi/vim is not
restored to its initial state -- that's the way I have set it up to suit
my requirements.

I find it a little suspicious that the same executable should behave
differently regarding something that is not clearly related to editing
itself and differences between vi and vim dure to their different
capabilities just because you invoke the program in two different ways.

Mind you, there may be a good reason for that, and I am just not aware
of it.

All the same, assuming you are running your tests on the same system,
something you may want to check is the full path of the vi and the vim
executable. So that we know precisely what gets executed.

This should provide the full path:

| % type vim
| vim is /usr/bin/vim
| % type vi
| vi is /usr/bin/vi

You could then use the file command to determine if they point directly
to a vi/vim executable:

| % file /path/to/vim
| % file /path/to/vi

If this is the case, you should see something like this:

| /usr/bin/vim: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, stripped

If not, you are pointing to a soft link to another file, that may also
be a soft link.. etc.

| % file /usr/bin/vi
| /usr/bin/vi: symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/vi'

In such circumstances, you can determine the 'final' target of your
commands via the 'readlink command'.

To illustrate, here's what it looks like on my system:

| % type vi
| vi is /usr/bin/vi
| % readlink -f /usr/bin/vi
| /usr/bin/vim.gtk

| % type vim
| vi is /usr/bin/vim
| % readlink -f /usr/bin/vim
| /usr/bin/vim.gtk




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