Monday, August 27, 2012

Re: Oracle 11g SQL + PL/SQL + SQL*Plus + RDBMS syntax support

On Sunday, August 26, 2012 3:06:26 PM UTC+1, Szilard Barany wrote:
> Hi,
> In the current vim releases the Oracle RDBMS SQL syntax support is from 2005 and PLS/SQL support is from 2002; kind of outdated.
> I have developed a syntax highlight file that supports the most recent Oracle RDBMS version, 11g R2. This includes SQL, PL/SQL (including Oracle supplied packages), SQL*Plus and RDBMS (init parameters, dynamic performance views, etc.).
> I used this syntax highlight support for 4+ years, and it seems to me OK by now. It might not be perfect, but I hope that other people who use vim for Oracle script/file editing can help me improve it.
> I would like to submit it to vim hoping that it will be included in the next releases. I would like to find out what to do now; how to submit it to the code base, etc.

Me too! However I notice the official maintainer is listed as "jefflanzarotta at yahoo dot com". Perhaps someone should contact him?

In my setup I have an edited sql.vim and plsql.vim - although I could never get the autocompletion feature working so I had to comment some stuff out, and that makes me feel unqualified to volunteer as a maintainer.

I also simplified the highlighting so there is only one kind of "keyword", to remove the jumble you get where SELECT and AND etc all come out different colours (pink and green or whatever the default is). Also I have a colours file that's a bit more muted and 21st century IMHO than the supplied set. How do I get involved?

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