Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Re: spam scripts on

doak wrote:
> Hi,
> On 25.09.2012 23:00, John Beckett wrote:
>> But in reality, there is not enough spam to warrant any messing
>> around.
> In my oponion this is not related to spam.
> As Marc Weber has already stated, I think it looks like an attack on the web server. As far as I understand the issue, the uploaded "jpeg" tests if an already injected file exists or it test if the execution of the php code works.
> As there were four (!) uploads of the same content, it looks like something else was tried and the result was tested again.
> I guess the uploaded content was only some stuff we noticed. The real issue could be undetected yet.
May I suggest that our hardworking moderators should check on .htaccess
files' timestamps/content (if any). Setting up a cron job to download
any and all .htaccess files from the server and insuring that their
contents haven't changed might be a fairly straightforward action.

C Campbell

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