Thursday, February 28, 2013

Re: ctrlP to navigate arbitrary directory

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013, Kent wrote:

> Hello,
> I use FuzzyFinder for years. Recently I heard a lot about CtrlP. And
> gave it a try. It does have some good features over FF. However one
> thing I didn't figure out, with FF(File search), I can type "/etc" to
> navigate to my root directory and do search, no matter which directory
> I am in.
> However for CtrlP, it seems that it searches only under current
> directory. In doc I found I can type .. to go to parent dir. but it
> didn't work for me somehow. 

You type .., then hit enter.

> How can I navigate to arbitrary directory with CtrlP?

You can't navigate to an arbitrary directory once CtrlP is up, but you
can invoke CtrlP on an arbitrary directory, e.g.:

:CtrlP /home/bhaskell/git/project

Also see:

:help g:ctrlp_working_path_mode


:help :CtrlPCurFile

I've mapped the latter to ,n with:

:nm <leader>n :CtrlPCurFile<CR>


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