Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Re: How to refresh (reload) an opened file?

* Tim Chase <vim@tim.thechases.com> [2013-02-26 20:36]:
> Or, you can leave the current buffer pointed at
> the file and read the new file into a new buffer:
> :new " create a new empty buffer
> :r filename.txt " read in the contents from disk
> :1d " delete the initial blank line

slight variation:

:new " create a new empty buffer
:r # " read in the contents from disk
:1d " delete the initial blank line

where the '#' is the "alternate file name" (read:
the file name associated with the alternate buffer).

you can probably map this to a key...

map <f9> :new|:r #|:1d

but when i enter this mapping then the '#' is
expanded right away and gives me an error:

E484: Can't open file #

how to stop that from happening again?


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