Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Re: Search Patterns

On Wed, February 27, 2013 06:37, John Lusby wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently trying to read a list of files from a make output and push
> them into ctags but I'm having trouble with the substitute. I've been
> using
> vim to try to get the pattern right but I cant seem to figure it out.
> I'm currently at the point where my command looks like
> make telosb verbose 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep 'preprocessing' | sed -e
> 's/preprocessing//' -e 's/ //' >>somefilenames2.txt
> but the lines in somefilenames look all garbled
> Heres a snippet
> [01;31m [K [m [K/usr/lib/ncc/deputy_nodeputy.h
> [01;31m [K [m [K/usr/lib/ncc/nesc_nx.h
> [01;31m [K [m [K/home/john/local/tinyos-2.x/tos/system/tos.h
> [01;31m [K [m [K/home/john/local/tinyos-2.x/tos/system/
> [01;31m [K [m [K/home/john/local/tinyos-2.x/tos/interfaces/
> I tried using a pattern like :%s/^*\/// to replace it but that just said
> no
> pattern ^*\/ found. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks for the help,

Looks like your make program outputs terminal sequences to e.g. display
colors? Try explicitly setting your terminal to somthing dumb for make.
It shouldn't then output those chars:
TERM=vt100 make ...

Your pattern doesn't look right btw. I think what you want to search for
is :%s/^[^/]*//

Your pattern ^*\/ is actually looking for line start followed by a '*'
followed by a slash, which is obviously not what you need.


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