Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Re: noscrollbind ignored (kind of)

On Wed, February 27, 2013 07:49, AndyHancock wrote:
> Hi, Christian,
> The diffoff command seems to solve the problem. As for reproducing the
> problem, I ran
> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim73\gvim.exe" -u NONE -N
> Then I split the window vertically. In the left half I loaded any text
> file that was long enough to occupy several screens. On the right window,
> I loaded a 2nd text file whose contents were identical to the first one.
> I then issued:
> :windo diffthis
> :windo set nofenable
> Then I issued:
> :windo set nodiff foldcolumn=0 noscrollbind
> When I pressed ctrl-F to page forward in any one window for 2-3 times, the
> other window followed. This is consistent with cursorbind, as suggested
> by Ben Fritz. So I think the problem is solved. Thanks.

I think, what you are seeing is the effect of 'cursorbind', which
get's set by diff-mode and is still set in all windows.

I am currently puzzled, what cursorbind does, that scrollbind doesn't
provide e.g. why we need both options and I don't understand it in
the manual.

So yes, using :diffoff! is easier to stop diff mode.


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