Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Re: dbext and sqlplus without tnsnames

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Vitor Eiji Justus Sakaguti <vitoreiji0@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm trying to setup a dbext environment on a Windows machine to
connect to a remote Oracle database.
However, I don't have write access to tnsnames.ora and cannot add the
proper entry for the database to which I need to connect.

I tried several different forms of profile setting, according to the
very examples in the help file

Two suggestions:

1.  :DBSetOption display_cmd_line=1
2.  Try each profile setting.
- Show us the profile string you used.
- Show us the sqlplus cmd line generated.
- Show us the error.

but whatever I did, when I tried to
execute somthing I saw that a cmd.exe was run with something like

cmd.exe /c sqlplus -S "myUser/myPass@myServiceName"
@C:\Users\More\Path\dbext.sql > C:\You\Get\The\idea\sdkfg.tmp 2>&1

The :DBSetOption above will show you this cmd line in the normal dbext output buffer.

From the dbext.txt I suspect the example that you want to use for your profile is:
    let g:dbext_default_profile_ORA_Extended = 'type=ORA:user=scott:passwd=tiger:srvname=(description=(address=(protocol=TCP)(host=localhost)(port=1521))(connect_data=(server=dedicated)(service_name=10gR2)))'

Also, if you continue have problems can you run:

And post it's contents with your other output from above.


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