Sunday, December 1, 2013

Re: improving Vim - Kickstarter - brainstorming - goals - who wants to join?

On Dec 2, 2013 9:25 AM, "Marc Weber" <> wrote:
> Excerpts from Ed Kostas's message of Sun Dec 01 16:01:42 +0100 2013:
> > I want to join, but I receive the following message when I try:
> > You don't have permission to access /x/php.fcgi/index.php on this server.
> Your message to the mailinglist has been enough, I took notes.
> The pages will be back soon, I've problem with php-fpm access rights for
> some wired reasons after trying an update.
> > >
> > I receive the above message when I try to access this link too.
> You can read the source @ github, too:
> I think the first important thing is to collect things to fix, then
> workout how to fix [1] them, then estimate costs and try to get funding.

I think that the most problematic thing to fix is threading. You cannot add thread safety without a very huge rework that starts with removing global state (unless we are going to say that GIL is good enough). And it will be problematic to add other changes while refactoring is in progress.

From my point of view this list should look like this:

- Threading.
- Making vim embeddable (making it second point since it is even more refactoring).
- Input (I mean this constantly popping out discussion with vim not supporting certain keys).
- More input (iminsert and keymaps are not good at all at handling people using more then one keyboard layout: gvim needs a way to get actual keys pressed and process them as if they were user English layout (not hardcoded us keymap) regardless of actual layout when not in insert or command(?) modes).
- Stripping requirement to use VimL in Python/Ruby/Lua/etc interface. I.e. finishing what I started (I guess I can do this) for python and doing the similar thing for other languages.
- Zero byte handling. Low priority since this is uncommon to have in text files, but in the current state you have to write ugly hacks to make it work. Should probably be the third as it implies refactoring string implementation. Possible solutions I see: escaping like in zsh (note that it is done the way you never notice) or struct {size_t len; char str[1];} (where you allocate string using usual alloc(sizeof(str_T) + len) hack).
- Unicode support in regular expressions.
- Possibly sane unicode indexing (may require further string refactoring to be efficient).
- Non-string funcrefs (i.e. inclusion of my patch (without lambda part)). It contains fixes for some problems.
- Stripping requirement to use shell to run applications.

> Thanks for your interest.
> Marc Weber
> [1]: And I don't know this yet. This will take some time.
> --
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