Sunday, December 1, 2013

Re: mzscheme-vimext to Serguey Khorev

I am not sure whether it is ok to post a question to a specific member. However, I think that Serguey Khoreve is the person in better position to answer me. In the documentation of vim-mzscheme, I found references to a vimext module. Besides this, when I require vimext, vim-mzscheme searches the collects. It seems that many necessary commands are defined in vimext. However, I could not find vimext neither in Vim sources nor in the Internet.

When I have enough time I scan Vim maillists for relevant words in subjects like MzScheme, Racket, Cscope, GDB etc. And when I don't I can keep personal emails unanswered for weeks and months. Maillists have the advantage that someone else can reply if the topic is relevant for them. I've replied to your personal email but am copying it here for everyone's benefit.

vimext is built into Vim so it is available once you compiled it. Perhaps instructions in :h :mzscheme are not clear enough but I can't make my mind to make them more usable.

Basically all you need is import the module:
:mzscheme (require (prefix-in vim- 'vimext)) ; import vimext with prefix "vim-", now all functions described in :h :mzscheme are available with the "vim-" prefix:
:mzscheme (vim-set-buff-line 1 "This is line #1")

Please be aware that I haven't updated the interface for quite a while so probably it's more buggy than, for instance, the Python interface.

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