Monday, January 26, 2015

Re: getfontname() returns blank after setting color

Hi Hosup!

On Mo, 26 Jan 2015, Hosup Chung wrote:

> Installed lasted windows binary from
> ver: 7.4 (2013 Aug 10) MS-Windows 32-bit GUI
> Opened gvim
> :echo getfontname()
> " returns Fixedsys:h9:cDEFAULT
> :color morning
> :echo getfontname()
> " returns blank
> Is this a normal behavior?

At the start, your Normal highlighting group contains a font attribute
which you can then query using getfontname()
Loading another color scheme does implicitly do :hi clear and that
clears the font attribute of the normal group as well.
This might be a bug, I do not know.

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