Friday, January 23, 2015

Re: Problem with matchit when editing html

On 23/01/2015 04:22 p.m., Benji Fisher wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Cesar Romani <
> <>> wrote:
> I'm using vim 7.4.591 on Windows 7.
> I'm editing an html file with the matchit plugin installed.
> Using % I can jump from <body> to </body>, <script> to </script>,
> etc. but not from ( to ), { to }, or [ to ] although "set mps"
> reports
> (:),{:},[:],<:>
> How can I add these pairs whenever I'm editing an html file?
> If I do, for example, "let b:match_words='(:)'" then all other
> default pairs get lost!
> Many thanks in advance,
> Matchit.vim is supposed to add the 'mps' value to the end of
> b:match_words. Sometimes this fails, for example if you :source
> matchit.vim after loading the file. To force the script to re-parse,
> try
> :MatchDebug
> HTH --Benji Fisher

Thanks it works. Actually I'm not sourcing matchit.vim, because it is on
the plugin folder. Should I source matchit.vim notwithstanding? I don't
want to run :MatchDebug every time.

Many thanks in advance,


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