Saturday, October 22, 2011

Re: Digest for - 22 Messages in 7 Topics

Am 22.10.2011 08:35 schrieb <>:


    Eric Smith <> Oct 21 03:41PM +0200  

    I am using DrawIt to make things like Organograms.
    It becomes messy when removing or inserting an entity.
    Then the parts of the lines to the right either become
    pushed to the right or collapse to the left.
    This of course would also happen when editing just text
    I found some relief by pasting in replace mode.
    What is the solution to make vim behave more like
    a graphics application? (which of course it was never designed
    - Eric Smith


    Chris Jones <> Oct 21 05:37PM -0400  

    On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 09:41:39AM EDT, Eric Smith wrote:
    > I found some relief by pasting in replace mode.
    > What is the solution to make vim behave more like a graphics
    > application? (which of course it was never designed for).
    So don't do it, then... :-)
    You may want to take a peek at:
    :h virtualedit
    I found this mode rather useful when editing rough text-mode tables or
    otherwise column-aligned text.


    Javier Rojas <> Oct 21 09:28PM -0500  

    On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 03:41:39PM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
    > What is the solution to make vim behave more like
    > a graphics application? (which of course it was never designed
    > for).
    You should try asciio.
    Javier Rojas
    GPG Key ID: 0x24E00D68

  Oct 21 05:25PM +0200  

    is it possible to create a line of text with vim which
    do not contain any \n, \ra ?
    Or in other words: The line should contain nothing
    more than the visible chars.
    I need this to generate test data for testing a VFD...
    How can I accomplish this?
    Thank you very much in advance for any help!
    Best regards,


    Tony Mechelynck <> Oct 21 06:21PM +0200  

    > Thank you very much in advance for any help!
    > Best regards,
    > mcc
    It is possible but definitely not recommended. You must
    :setlocal binary noeol
    in the file before writing it, and it must contain only the one line (it
    is of course not possible to have any line other than the last one end
    without an end-of-line mark).
    :help 'binary'
    :help 'eol'
    Best regards,
    Behold the warranty ... the bold print giveth and the fine print taketh

  Oct 21 06:38PM +0200  

    > You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
    > Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
    > For more information, visit
    Hi Tony,
    thank you very much. I intended to use this "hack" :) only for testing
    purposes. I bought a wonderful rtro looking Flourescenz display (VFD)
    and have to explore how to connect this to my embedded linux SOC.
    I though "vim is useful for doing only has to know how..."
    so asked how to create testdata to be fed into /dev/ttyS0. Only
    the line break was not what I want.
    Thanks to your help I now know how to avoid it.
    And once again: One only needs vim...and a syste to run it. :)
    Thank you very much!
    Have a nice weekend!
    Best regards,


    Taylor Hedberg <> Oct 21 12:46PM -0400  

    Another way to do it would be to edit the file normally in Vim and then
    pipe its contents through the Unix command `head` in order to strip off
    the final byte (i.e. the final newline). Since you're feeding it to
    /dev/ttyS0, you could do something like this:
    head -c -1 </path/to/text/file >/dev/ttyS0
    Personally, I'd prefer this approach over the 'binary' hack required to
    make Vim do what you want, since 'binary' has other (probably undesired)
    effects besides enabling you to omit the final newline.


    Ben Fritz <> Oct 21 02:20PM -0700  

    >  more than the visible chars.
    >  I need this to generate test data for testing a VFD...
    >  How can I accomplish this?
    The wiki can tell you how to automatically keep the line-ending off of
    files which are missing it already:

    Using this tip, you should also be able to simply set 'noeol' to force
    a file to save without one.


    "Benjamin R. Haskell" <> Oct 21 11:28AM -0400  

    > visible chars.
    > I need this to generate test data for testing a VFD...
    > How can I accomplish this?
    You can use the 'binary' and (no)'eol' options.
    'eol' tells Vim whether to include the final newline in the file. But,
    'noeol' doesn't work unless 'binary' is also set.
    vim -b +'se bin' filename.oneline


    "Benjamin R. Haskell" <> Oct 21 12:01PM -0400  

    On Fri, 21 Oct 2011, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:
    > 'eol' tells Vim whether to include the final newline in the file. But,
    > 'noeol' doesn't work unless 'binary' is also set.
    > vim -b +'se bin' filename.oneline
    Whoops, braino:
    vim -b +'se noeol' filename.oneline


    Linda W <> Oct 21 11:02AM -0700  

    I tried to open a .jar file in gvim (7.3). and got an error (which one
    has to type in manually, as vim won't let you cut/paste -- a much
    maligned user-hindrance, when it was first widely used by Microsoft):
    unzip: cannot find or open C:/Users/lindaw/AppData/Roaming/....
    So I open up a console window and try the command:
    ***warning*** (zip#Browse) ... same message as above....
    /Users/lindaw> unzip -l
    Length Date Time Name
    --------- ---------- ----- ----
    1109 09-29-2011 07:39 content/menucommander.js
    14574 09-29-2011 07:39 content/browser.js
    22524 09-29-2011 07:39 content/script.js
    3416 09-29-2011 07:39 content/install.js
    I.e. works just fine...
    So why didn't it work in Vim? Doesn't make sense.
    My first guess is it is I mistakenly installed broken 32-bit version and
    it couldn't call the right programs or access the right files due to
    windows redirection, but I can't think of any of the programs in this
    case, that it would have called where it needed a 64-bit version, so I'm
    Why does it work at the shell, but not from Vim?


    Charles Campbell <> Oct 21 04:36PM -0400  

    Linda W wrote:
    > this case, that it would have called where it needed a 64-bit version,
    > so I'm stumped...
    > Why does it work at the shell, but not from Vim?
    Some Qs for you:
    * is the path that vim uses for your shell the same as the path your
    shell uses? (I'm not at a windows computer; perhaps :!echo %PATH%
    * is vim using the shell you expect? :echo &shell
    * The message that you're getting, "...cannot find..." is not being
    issued directly by zip.vim; does it work if you use backslashes instead
    of slashes?
    Well, that's a start, anyway.
    Chip Campbell


    Ben Fritz <> Oct 21 02:07PM -0700  

    > I tried to open a .jar file in gvim (7.3). and got an error (which one
    > has to type in manually, as vim won't let you cut/paste -- a much
    > maligned user-hindrance, when it was first widely used by Microsoft):
    I'm not sure what this means...I *think* you're saying you're getting
    an error from a shell command, in which case it should be in a shell
    window, not Vim's fault. Or maybe it's the output of an ex command, in
    which case :redir will let you grab the output.


    "Benjamin R. Haskell" <> Oct 21 02:22PM -0400  

    On Fri, 21 Oct 2011, Linda W wrote:
    > redirection, but I can't think of any of the programs in this case,
    > that it would have called where it needed a 64-bit version, so I'm
    > stumped... Why does it work at the shell, but not from Vim?
    My guess would be that you're attempting to use a Cygwin or MSYS version
    of unzip from a Windows-native version of Vim. Or vice versa,
    perhaps... Either way you might run into directory separator issues.
    What do you get from unzip -v (or --version, maybe)?
    How about :version (from within Vim -- just the lines up to the start of
    the features)?
    Also, are you typing exactly what's on-screen? Or are you using '/' in
    place of '\'?


    Tim Chase <> Oct 21 06:32AM -0500  

    On 10/20/11 17:51, sc wrote:
    > for those characters for ages -- thought they were GONE it's
    > been so long since i've seen them -- must have spent hours
    > scrolling through :dig displays without finding them
    Glad you found it helpful, though the entire list was just a
    simple google away. I must say that I used to have a scary
    number of those ASCII line-drawing characters memorized for
    entering them into DOS programs/source-code. Those brain-cells
    have long since been reallocated for other purposes :)


    Tom Bodine <> Oct 21 06:17AM -0700  

    I was bitten by the old
    unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
    error in bash. Where you start a comment some where in the middle of
    your script and forget to place a quote mark at the end. After
    searching through the text I could not find any string that matched
    this criteria. It was only when I loaded the script into SciTE that I
    could see that this text was the problem
    # Syntax.........: libraryCheck [-test] {executable}
    # Parameters ....: executable - an Executable and Linkable Formated
    : -test : just do the test but don't fail on error
    # Return values .: 0 on success, exits if libraries not found
    Even though the third line appears as executable text to Bash, to me
    it looks like part of the comment in the other lines. Vim did not help
    me here since it colors the line starting with the colon the same as
    the line starting with the hash mark. In order to find the problem I
    loaded the script into Scite.
    Where as Scite treats lines starting with colons correctly and leaves
    them colored like regular text, Vim colors them the same as comments
    ( those lines wich start with hash marks).
    How can I change Vim's syntax coloring to treat lines starting with
    colons differently from those starting with hash marks?
    Thanks and Regards Tom Bodine


    Tony Mechelynck <> Oct 21 06:12PM +0200  

    On 21/10/11 15:17, Tom Bodine wrote:
    > How can I change Vim's syntax coloring to treat lines starting with
    > colons differently from those starting with hash marks?
    > Thanks and Regards Tom Bodine
    In bash (as can be seen with "help :" without the quotes at the bash
    prompt) : is a do-nothing command. So it can be regarded as legitimate
    to treat it as a comment. Actually, in the current
    $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/sh.vim (version 118 dated Aug 16, 2011 and applying
    to all three of sh, bash and ksh) these "colon lines" are set to syntax
    group shColon at line 287, then at line 536 the shColon highlight group
    is linked to shComment which is in turn linked to Comment at line 612.
    So a colorscheme could highlight colon lines as something else than a
    comment by changing the highlight for the shColon highlight group.
    AFAICT from reading :help ft-bash-syntax there is no setting to change
    those default highlights. However the fact that the sh syntax script
    makes no provision for quoted strings extending on more than one line
    can be regarded as a bug (or as a limitation). I'm CC-ing Charles "Dr.
    Chip" Campbell, the current maintainer of that script.
    Best regards,
    hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
    203. You're an active member of more than 20 newsgroups.


    Gary Johnson <> Oct 21 09:58AM -0700  

    On 2011-10-21, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
    > In bash (as can be seen with "help :" without the quotes at the bash
    > prompt) : is a do-nothing command. So it can be regarded as
    > legitimate to treat it as a comment.
    While it is true that the : command does nothing, its arguments are
    still expanded, redirections are performed, and it sets the exit
    code to 0, so it is not true that it can be regarded as a comment
    As a practical example, this command tests USER and if it is unset
    or empty, sets it to the output of whoami.
    : ${USER:=`whoami`}


    Tony Mechelynck <> Oct 21 04:43PM +0200  

    On 21/10/11 00:44, Eddine wrote:
    > do, you're bound to get problems sooner rather than later.
    > about the vim log, I mean is there a way to write Vim actions into a
    > sperate file of its own ? Not into the file I am editing/reading.
    Ah, OK. The fact that you talked about "editing" the logfile (not about
    "viewing" it) made me think that you tried to modify it in Vim while the
    program writing it was still running.
    :help -w
    :help -V
    and about the latter:
    :help 'verbose'
    :help 'verbosefile'
    Best regards,
    Not far from here, by a white sun, behind a green star, lived the
    Steelypips, illustrious, industrious, and they hadn't a care: no spats
    in their vats, no rules, no schools, no gloom, no evil influence of the
    moon, no trouble from matter or antimatter -- for they had a machine, a
    dream of a machine, with springs and gears and perfect in every
    respect. And they lived with it, and on it, and under it, and inside
    it, for it was all they had -- first they saved up all their atoms,
    then they put them all together, and if one didn't fit, why they
    chipped at it a bit, and everything was just fine ...
    -- Stanislaw Lem, "Cyberiad"


    Thilo Six <> Oct 21 01:21PM +0200  

    Peng Yu wrote the following on 21.10.2011 03:00
    > Suppose that I open 3 .R files with "gvim -o". All the three .R files
    > are correctly syntax highlighted. However, if I use :bd to close one
    > window, the next window's syntax highlight will be gone.
    -- <snip> --
    I had the same rescently.
    :set hidden
    fixed it for me.
    > Regards,
    > Peng
    bye Thilo
    721B 1BA0 095C 1ABA 3FC6 7C18 89A4 A2A0 C70B 1A8F


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