Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Re: Activating Windows gVim from the command line

On Wed, Aug 01, 2012 at 04:36:50PM -0700, His Nerdship wrote:
> I left a query about 10 days ago which was kindly and competently
> answered by Ben (Fritz). Vielen Dank, Ben.
> I have another problem stemming from the same issue, namely that the
> moronic managers (aren't they all?) at my new job have locked down our
> PC's such that we cannot install anything properly. Ain't no one like
> a manager to stop you doing your job. This has happened on my last
> two contracts, so seems to be the way things are going.
> Anyway one side effect is that Vim no longer has a working COM
> interface, through which I control Vim from another program (His
> Grepship), creating a very handy and powerful combination. To get
> past this I have tried to make His Grepship activate Vim with a
> command line request, passed to CreateProcess(). It passes as
> arguments the line no from which to search, and the required search
> expression. So if I want to start up Vim so that it immediately takes
> me to the word 'haddock' on line 713 of fish.cpp I would expect to
> enter:
> gvim +713 -c "/haddock" fish.cpp
> However I find this takes me to (or near) line 713, and all instances
> of 'haddock' are correctly highlighted, but at best it will take me
> only to the start of the line, not to the expression itself. I am
> trying to emulate as closely as possible the functionality we get when
> COM/OLE is working correctly, where the cursor is placed right on the
> search expression.
> Is there a way I can achieve this level of control from the command
> line?

what about gvim -c ":call search('haddock')"

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