Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Re: How to make a vim map to after some treatment pass foward to the natural treatment

On 2012-08-01, Rodrigo Gurgel wrote:
> I want to map a Shift + Insert, as I usually paste code for
> studing (or even take some of forum's questions to prepare an
> answer). But as mapped for .cpp and .h the pasted code appears
> messed up.
> Example:
> 1 class A {
> 2 }
> 3 public:
> 4 class B {
> 5 }
> 6 // ...
> 7 // };
> 8 // static void f();
> 9 // // ...
> 10 // };
> 11 // )
> Original code:
> class A {
> public:
> class B {
> // ...
> };
> static void f();
> // ...
> };
> To avoid this is necessary to run :set paste.
> So, the question is, how to map a Shift + Insert, just like imap
> <S-Insert> <Esc>:set paste<CR>i and very here pass foward the
> Shift + Insert to its natural behavior, that is pasting and then
> turn back and set :set paste! back?
> Obs.: { is mapped to break line and put and ending }, along with
> that kind of maps the pasted text will be messed up.

I started to suggest using :inoremap to define your mapping since
that will ignore any mappings of keys used on the rhs of the
mapping. However, as I was verifying the problem I discovered that
the problem doesn't exist for me. Starting Vim like this,

"C:\Program Files\vim\vim73\gvim.exe" -u NONE -i NONE

and executing either

:set ai


:filetype indent on
:set ft=cpp

before pasting your original code using <S-Insert> resulted in
the same indentation as the original code. This was using Vim
7.3.600 on Windows XP.

I think something in your configuration is causing the problem.

:help <S-Insert>

says that that keycode is already mapped to


(which I verified) and

:help i_CTRL-R_CTRL-O

says that that command inserts the contents of a register literally
and without auto-indenting.

So, you shouldn't be seeing any auto-indenting when you paste with
<S-Insert>. What do you see when you execute

:imap <S-Insert>



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