Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Re: syntax highlighting question

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 1:20 AM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 1:08:35 AM UTC-5, mulllhausen wrote:
> hi all,
> i gather from the lack of response that my previous question has no feasible answer. anyway, i have updated the question a bit to give some other possible ways of solving the problem. any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated. i am pretty competent with vim but i have little to no vim scripting. then again i am a quick learner and very eager haha...
> here is the updated question:
> I noticed that the syntax/php.vim file on my ubuntu machine has a php_htmlInStrings
>  option. I can turn this option on to display HTML syntax highlighting
> within strings in my php files, which is great. I would also like to do
> javascript syntax highlighting within strings in a php file. Does
> anybody know if this can be done and if so how can I do it?
> edited - added extra possibilities
> I should also mention that I would be happy with a solution where i
> have to parse all my javascript strings though a php function before
> outputting the result. This might get around the problem suggested by
> connor below where vim has trouble deciding if the string contains
> javascript. for example:
> $js = "some regular text which is not javascript##now vim has
> detected that this part is javscript##back to regular text";
> parse($js);
> function parse($str)
> {
>     return str_replace('##', '', $str);
> }
> The reason I would be happy to do this is because I will probably be
> incorporating a html/css/js variable minifier into my project which will
>  be doing substitutions on strings anyway.
> Of course if there is a vim-specific equivalent character for ## which will not show up in the source code and would not need to be filtered out then this would be preferable...

I personally passed up the question because I don't know of a way that is already built into the php syntax script but maybe one exists.

It's possible to do, see and the help links it gives but it will require a lot of work on your part to do it yourself.

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thanks for the replies people! and no worries if it takes a while :)

somebody on stackoverflow showed me that if i put <script> at the start of the string, then turn on the html syntax highlighting, vim will interpret the string as javascript and format accordingly.

my line 167 in syntax/html.vim previously looked like this:

syn region  javaScript start=+<script[^>]*>+ keepend end=+</script>+me=s-1 contains=@htmlJavaScript,htmlCssStyleComment,htmlScriptTag,@htmlPreproc

so i commented it out and changed "script" to "js". i have a work around now where i parse all javascript strings through a function to strip out the opening tag (i found that i dont actually need a closing tag for vim to give the proper syntax highlighting). however, while this is functional, it would be nice if i could use the following format to get the syntax highlighting:

/*<js>*/ "this string should have javascript syntax highlighting" /*</js>*/

i have had a go at this but i'm a bit new to the way that vim groups regions under headings so i didn't get it right. line 340 in syntax/php.vim currently reads:

  syn region  phpComment  start="/\*" end="\*/" contained contains=phpTodo

so i tried changing it to:

  syn region  phpComment  start="/\*" end="\*/" contained contains=@htmlJavascript,phpTodo

but that doesn't do it.

actually if somebody could give me some pointers as to a good place to learn about the vim syntax regions that would be a great help. or if anybody can tell me how i could alter my syntax/ files that would be even better!

thanks in advance!

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