Friday, August 3, 2012

Re: What's the best way to move to an arbitrary location on your screen?

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 6:33 AM, Paul <> wrote:
On Tuesday, 31 July, 2012 at 19:58:55 BST, Daan wrote:
I've been learning Vim for a while, and one situation has been coming up a lot for me:

1) I'm scrolling through a sourcefile, and see an interesting word I'd like to edit or yank.
2) I look left at the line number of the word, and type [line number]G
3) I keep pressing w/W/b/B until I reach the word, (except if the word happens to be the first or last word of the line, or located near a unique symbol)

However, this feels inefficient (especially step 2), and I'm hoping to find a better solution.

I like PreciseJump:


If you like PreciseJump, you'd probably also like EasyMotion: (or
    In my opinion it is more complete than PreciseJump; it does everything PreciseJump does and more...
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