Monday, November 7, 2016

Mapping to search for current line

I tried the following mapping for searching for the current line:

nnoremap gsl /<ctrl-r>=getline('.')<CR><CR>

unfortunately this actually searchs for the string I give it literally.

So I defined instead the mapping

nnoremap gsl /^R=getline('.')^M

where ^R is obtained with typing ctrl-v followed by ctrl-r and ^M is ctrl-v followed by <enter>

Unfortunately now when I open the file where I define this mapping I get the message
[CR missing][dos] and the file shows up with dos format.

The question:

Is there a way to define the mapping where I don't have to use the control charathers explicitly in the mapping?
Also is there a popular plugin that defines these types of mappings?

Thank you!

Jorge Rodrigues

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