Friday, November 4, 2016

Re: after vim 8 installation, yanking (yy) doesn't work in global command and macros

Am 04.11.2016 um 21:35 schrieb Bryce Orgill:
> Was that a change that was put in version 8? In my opinion that is a
> big change. It now means I can't yank in the global command or in
> macros. I have macros and scripts that use this. It means it won't
> work there. I have to also use the 'set clipboard=unnamed' command
> to be able to copy/paste from/to vim to/from other apps. I'm not
> sure why this change was taken out of version 7.4. It was working
> fine there and in previous versions. Why does this work in Unix but
> not Windows?
> In my opinion this needs to be fixed. I don't see a work around in
> my current status, which means I'd have to revert back to 7.4 to keep
> my scripts working.

:set cb=unnamed
Within :global, `yy' yanks into the clipboard and `p' puts from the clipboard.

:set cb=unnamed
Within :global, `yy' does not yank into the clipboard, but `p' still puts from the clipboard.
Looks like `yy' fails to set the last used register (`0').

:g/^/normal! yy"0p

(register `0' contains the yanked text even with cb=unnamed).


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