Monday, November 7, 2016

Re: default.vim getting sourced even when vimrc is present

Hi Karthick,

2016/11/7 Mon 22:24:03 UTC+9 Karthick wrote:
> Hello all,
> I just installed the 80-069 version of the MS-Windows Vim installer. I see the scrolloff option is being set to "5" due to defaults.vim getting sourced.


> In my case, $VIM/_vimrc file *is* present, still defaults.vim is getting sourced.
> Maybe even more strangely, defaults.vim is getting sourced even if I do a,
> :let skip_defaults_vim=1
> In the last line of my $VIM/_vimrc file

Don't you source vimrc_example.vim from your _vimrc file?
If so it might happen, because vimrc_example.vim sources defaults.vim.
In that case, setting skip_defaults_vim in the last line has no meaning,
because it is already sourced.

Ken Takata

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