Friday, November 4, 2016

Re: after vim 8 installation, yanking (yy) doesn't work in global command and macros

Hi Bryce!

On Do, 03 Nov 2016, Bryce Orgill wrote:

> After I installed the Vim 8 version, I noticed that the following command doesn't yank the current line for every line it's supposed to run on.
> %g/^/normal yyp
> When I run it, it pastes whatever was previously copied. When I run "normal yyp", this works fine, it just doesn't seem to work in global commands and in macros. Here is my example:
> Example:
> -----------
> string currently stored in clipboard: 7777
> command given: %g/^/normal yyp
> original text:
> 1234
> 5678
> new text (actual output):
> 1234
> 7777
> 5678
> 7777
> new text (expected output):
> 1234
> 1234
> 5678
> 5678
> This seems like a real bug as I never experienced this in earlier versions.

Cannot reproduce. What is your clipboard setting? Can you please narrow
down the problem when starting vim like this vim -u NONE -N --noplugins

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